Hi and welocome to the new site of Microlite Aviation. This has been a long journey for us to get this far, started two years ago when an idea was born by brothers Nigel & Alex. Nigel had been flying powered para-gliders and wanted Alex to start flying again, he last flew powered para-gliders in 1997 in South Africa. Having been involved in Micro-lighting in Kwa-zulu Natal and the building and navigating in competitions Alex wanted to take advantage of the fairly new Sub 70 market and get up in the air again, so the idea was born...
Nigel with experience of CAD design and the manufacture of custom motorcycles started the process of getting the trikes of the screen into the air. The first flight took place up in Surrey flown by Brian and it passed all its tests, three were then completed and flown up at Clive Mason's airfield near Leicester. Some tweeking was then completed and the trikes were then taken up to a three day fly-in up at New Farm, Northampton, where they were flown with a whole lot of sub 70 aircraft , other microlights and light aircraft. It was a great three days, where the aircraft was test flown by a couple of different pilots with great feed back.